Company Culture | Lawline

FRANK: October's Winner of “Actively Learning”

Written by Ambassador Ann | Nov 19, 2012 4:50:46 PM
Frank was actively learning, and helping everyone else do the same, by putting together the “Fall into Fun” program.

At the end of the summer, Frank came up with a three-month learning program called Fall into Fun.  It was a mixture of fun activities and learning that took employees throughout downtown Manhattan to study history and culture.  There were trips to several nearby museums such as the Museum of American Indian, Federal Hall National Museum, and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Employees came back from these adventures with knowledge and appreciation of the entertaining museums and places so close to our office.  Even by playing X-Box Kinect in the office employees learned the rules of sports they did not know before.  There is always fun in learning!

Previous Months’ CV Awards – Actively Learning