Company Culture | Lawline

FurtherEd Core Values Newsletter – April

Written by Ambassador Ann | May 8, 2013 7:59:56 PM

Actively Learning: Fannon

Close on the heels of the inspiring precedent set by Blair, Jeff dove headfirst into Videography 201 via the FurtherEd TV show. When Melissa and Blair's schedules were such that Micah needed someone else to operate one of the cameras, Jeff took on the job without hesitation - in fact with excitement and good cheer - despite having no real background with videography while at the same time knowing that his work would be broadcasted on television to the largest city in the nation.

He was an avid student, and was completely receptive to feedback when reviewing the footage after the fact. Since then, he's filmed four additional segments, including two on the same day as a Learn Session that he taught, and has upped his game tremendously where every aspect of the camera is concerned, from composition to movement to lighting. Thanks, Jeff!


Seeking Creative Solutions: 2.Joe

His new nickname: Detective Joe

The Case of the Disappearing Bullet Points!

GC Michele went to Dev. 2.Joe with a mystery that no team member was able to solve for a decade: the disappearing bullet points from the bundle description. Michele had tried everything: using bullets from admin, hitting alt and 7 on number pad simultaneously; cutting and pasting from notepad; and each time the bullets appeared on admin but on the live site she only saw a question mark. Desperate to make the bundle page as dynamic as possible for the launch of FurtherEd Real Estate she hired 2.Joe for the case. At first he said "no problem" until he looked at the code... he knew it would be a challenge, but he was up for the challenge.

Donning his super sleuth hat, he tried code after code and still the bullets disappeared or it could only be done through Q/A. Michele had given up and was ready to throw in the towel, but 2.Joe would not quit and finally discovered a secret formula that would allow any team member to add bullets to a bundle description. Now the bullets are on display beautifully on our new real estate site FurtherEd Real Estate Bundle and will add value to all of our bundles descriptions. Dev. 2.Joe solved the case- kudos to his ability to seek a creative solution.


Taking Time to Help Others: Julie

Mo doesn't know what core values Julie did not meet in the last month. She has gone out of her way to train and support three new staffers and to teach them to become successful in the last 3-5 weeks.
Julie is constantly working, even when she’s at home she is always thinking of ways she can improve the sales team or her role as their leader. She goes above and beyond her normal duties on a daily basis to make sure she’s doing whatever she can in her power to help this company grow.
Always taking time to help out with a sale and offering tips which helps Mike F, Mo, and Jennifer to constantly grow and improve!
She is selfless, dedicated, always learning and teaching. In short, she has absolutely been godsent.


Exuding Optimism: Mo

Yes, she has a tiara. Awesome, right?

The Schnurm has never seen so many yellow sticky notes in his life. Smily faces, notes of encouragement to herself, oranges with faces drawn on them. Whatever the secret is to being optimistic Mo has cracked the code and The Schnurm want in!

From the first moment he met her she has had this positivity that has not wavered for a moment. You see her smiling, laughing, and just having fun on the phone all day. This type of optimism is infectious and it has especially meant a lot to him during the past week.

Thanks Mo for being you! Always has great energy and laugh even when having to do a double wammy of Blitz calls; making 200+ calls!!


Driven to Find a Better Way: Maverick Joe

Anyone who works around the Video Production office has surely heard the iPhone alarms going off about once an hour the last few months as reminders to start the rebroadcasts.

NO MORE! Joe worked out a system that allows us to set a schedule where the rebroadcasts run on their own, making the lives of Melissa, Micah and Jeff much easier. Jeff no longer needs to stop mid conversation to start a rebroadcast.



  • Actively Learning – Meredith
  • Seeking Creative Solutions – Frank
  • Taking Time to Help Others – Blair
  • Exuding Optimism - Malcolm
  • Driven to Find a Better Way – Rich

March 2013 Core Values Newsletter

  • Actively Learning – Blair
  • Seeking Creative Solutions – Melissa & Micah
  • Taking Time to Help Others – Mark
  • Exuding Optimism - Team Retention
  • Driven to Find a Better Way – CPE Crew

February 2013 Core Values Newsletter