Company Culture | Lawline

Having Trouble With Your Inbox?

Written by Lawline Staff | Nov 8, 2010 1:17:10 PM

There is one website I go for my tech news (besides Google);  They do a great job of delivering the most important news to me, and it usually has something to do with Apple or Google.

But this weekend I was surveying the site while lounging around when I came across an article on an email reminder system.  Mashable proclaimed a headline of "Turn Your Inbox into a Robust Reminder System."

I thought, "Oh, I've tried this before.  So let's see what they are suggesting now."

NudgeMail is a reminder system that works more simpler than any filter or label ever will.  Simply forward any email that you want to be reminded of to one of hundreds of commands ( or even and you will get that email set back to you with a reminder.

Commands can get as specific as certain dates (November 12, 2011 would be  This has to be one of the most innovative ideas I have seen in a while.  I have already started using the service (which for now is free).

Lawline will certainly be taking advantage of this.  Let us know what you think!