Company Culture | Lawline


Written by Lawline Staff | Apr 22, 2013 9:09:01 PM

Salman Khan, former Hedge Fund Advisor turned educator, has revolutionized the way we think about Education. His Khan Academy, which is free to sign up and use, has forced us to look at education from a different perspective. His active approach to learning has helped many student grasp mathematical concepts that were once foreign to them. He has gone from tutoring his cousins in New Orleans, to teaching the world in only a matter of years. His out-of-the-box thinking has forced many of us to re-think how we approach our day-to-day lives. Below is a link to Khan's 2011 TED talk, which is both informative and enlightening.

The most important aspect of the lecture, in my opinion, is how it ties into the core values of FurtherEd. Salman takes the aspects of Actively Learning, Seeking Creative Solutions, and his Drive to Find a Better Way, and turned into a system that helps others. By doing so, he has given hope to children who otherwise would have fallen by the wayside. At FurtherEd we embody these core values, and practice them on a day-to-day basis. I found this lecture definitely emphasized what FurtherEd is all about, teaching others, and learning more!

Ta blå ljusblå balklänning, även att vara så trevligt! En nyanser av blått balklänning, som exponering för havet, med härlig handväska, mild men vig, utstrålar en fläkt av våren.