Company Culture | Lawline

SAL: October's Winner of "Seeking Creative Solutions"

Written by Ambassador Ann | Nov 19, 2012 4:50:43 PM

You may not know this, but Sal moonlights as an artist in his free time. After we found out, he became our in-house artist.

The use of a blackboard as a background for FurtherEd video programs opened up numerous opportunities to explore ways of making our content stand out.  In a testament to the creative strength of our team, everyone at the company has brought ideas to the table on how this can be done.

No matter the concept, Sal has brought to the fore his ever-improving abilities as an artist.  From elaborate backgrounds to crisp renditions of the Lawline logo, the stellar nature of his work has been matched only by his attitude and his receptivity to feedback.

Sal is not only an artist but a curious and flexible one at that!

All it took was video production discussing the merits of size, shape and concept of the background during the first few shows and Sal creatively found a way to both maintain the artistic integrity of his work while also acceding to the unique needs of video production picture quality-not an easy compromise by any measure, and certainly a feat on top of all of his marketing duties.

Previous Months’ CV Awards – Seeking Creative Solutions