Company Culture | Lawline

The 12 Clichés of Selling by Barry Farber

Written by admin | Sep 24, 2010 3:44:41 PM

After reading, The 12 Clichés of Selling, I realized that much of what we have talked about holds true. I would like to discuss the points he touched on that were not obvious or previously discussed. First of all, Barry Farber explains how personal life and organization truly affects your sales, as well as your success. he says, "Fail to plan, plan to fail." Make a list of all of the things you need to do in your PERSONAL life, it helps you focus on working hard when you can see the list and mark things off. This approach can also make you more organized. (Middle school example). Visualization comes after organizing. Visualize yourself waking up and having a great day, reaching your daily goals, etc. Also, Find attitude mentors: people to call for enthusiasm when you need a boost.

Another interesting point Farber touched on was the world in which we are living in and how it can affect your sales and successes. Think about the books you read, the movies you watch, the shows, everything. We are living in a high content, high information world. For example, just as a good movie inspires you, negative shows and negative movies do the same. Surround yourself with the positive.

He also explained to watch out for Naysayers. Take an honest look at the people around you, are their attitudes affecting yours? Turn rejection into an asset. For example, if someone puts you down, make it your priority to prove them wrong, rather than take what they say to heart. A lot of people are unsuccessful in sales, and this is a reason why. You need to trust yourself and never let outsiders bring you down.

Remember to have a positive attitude, because 90% of what the client is buying is YOU. Great salespeople think of "no" as a challenge, more like "not now" or "not yet" because they are confident that "the prospect is saying no because you haven't given them enough information to say yes." To say "yes," the prospect needs to like you, trust you, and respect you. Also, never take "no" from a person who can’t say "yes.” For example, if the receptionist says "he’s good" call back with a kind approach like: "thank you, however, I do need to hear it from him."

Farber explains to know the difference between persistent and pushy. HOW: Don’t ask "are you ready to buy yet?" ten times in a week, and don't be over aggressive. Be caring, because "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. We want to be there to serve, not to sell. The first 1 minute on the phone will determine how they feel about you. "You never get a second chance to make a great first impression" don't get lazy on the phone, it’s your first time meeting them; make it last in their mind. For example, lazy voicemails don’t make people want to call you back, so stay focused and enthusiastic.

My favorite quote from the book is: "The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work." It basically means that the harder you work, the luckier you get. Hard work affects your attitude: you feel good after trying your hardest. Invest in your company. If you work hard, the whole business will move forward. This benefits you in the long run.
