A Dollar A Treat Keeps Kids Off The Street!
Cookies in ovens and chocolate on strawberries
Bright colored cupcakes and warm banana bread
Sweet lemon bars wrapped up with paper
These are a few of our favorite things!
For the second year in a row, FurtherEd had a bake sale for the Big Brothers Big Sisters Race for the Kids. Last year's bake sale raised $133 and this year we raised $245! This couldn't have been possible without the incredible pastry chefs of FurtherEd so definitely special thanks are deserved. We worked hard to provide the finest patisserie for this fundraiser.
The delectables were sold out, pricing at $1.00 - $1.50 but many individuals gave more out of the goodness of their hearts. The bake sale money helps BBBS of NYC reach children who would benefit so much from being matched with a caring adult mentor. Mentoring helps New York City’s most at-risk youth and expand their horizons to high school graduation, college, and beyond. Everyone is proud to help support BBBS. Wait until next year to see what new creations are brought and records are broken!

Crumbs? They were nowhere to be found after.
Special Thanks To:
- Jeff
- Jennifer
- ROB*
*Not pictured are the Dunkin Donuts & Entermann's chocolate chip cookies which sold out as well.