Cheers to Lawline’s Core Values
On November 2, 2015, I arrived at Lawline for my first day of work. I knew that I’d be attending a week-long orientation, but otherwise, I had no idea what to expect. I was nervous and hoped that my first day would go well.

I was immediately put at ease the moment I walked through the door. Ann, who sits at our front desk, greeted me warmly with a smile and welcoming words as soon as I entered. She took it upon herself to show me around the office and make me feel comfortable.Soon afterwards, our orientation began. Much of the first day was comprised of current Lawline staff members sitting with us and sharing what each department does. David Schnurman, our CEO, presented early in the day. He spent an hour with us discussing a little bit about the company’s history, but also sharing many of his ideas, including strategies not just for success, but also for happiness. During his presentation, he explained Lawline’s core values – Care, Create, Act, Grow, and Play. I was moved. First of all, many organizations do not even have core values.
Furthermore, the notion that the CEO of the company found these core values to be so meaningful spoke volumes to me. Plus, the values embody many of my own personal values.As the rest of the day went on, I quickly realized that the core values were already woven into the fabric of everyone’s daily interactions. There are so many people that I could point to, but here are just some examples. Ann exemplified CARE immediately upon my arrival; Shaun and Michael Shafland embodied CARE when they took me and my new colleague Danny out to lunch on our first day. They spent over an hour of theirbusy day simply getting to know us and sharing a little about themselves.

In each presentation, the employees demonstrated their ability to CREATE by sharing their own ideas for ways that Lawline’s internal processes can improve in order to help the company thrive even more than it already is. Michele and Ann demonstrated ACT by implementing such a thorough and informative orientation, and by addressing each and every one of our questions and concerns throughout the week. David showed his ability, willingness, and desire to GROW during his presentation. He is constantly thinking about ways to better himself personally and professionally. Lastly, everyone demonstrated their ability to PLAY by taking time to enjoy a laugh in between meetings, and more generally, by just enjoying each other’s company.
Needless to say, what a week it was! If the first week of orientation is any indication of what’s to come, then I am very much looking forward to my future here. Let’s continue to Care, Create, Act, Grow, and Play!