Employee Spotlight: Dan O'Rourke IV

We are very happy to share that almost a full month ago, we hired Dan O'Rourke IV to join our Production team! Here are Dan's thoughts on starting at Lawline:
1) How was the interview process for you?
This interview process for me was the most extensive one I’ve ever been through. I was in the unique position of working on a temp basis in the Accreditation department while interviewing for a full time position in the Studio, which added an interesting dynamic to the interviews. I was definitely more comfortable with the team, but I was also feeling more pressure. Ultimatelyit all worked out and I can happily call myself a Lawliner.
2) Before stepping foot into the office, how did you imagine Lawline would be?
Honestly, I imagined Lawline to be full of Lawyers and Attorneys. I also expected the office vibe to resemble that of being in court. I was so wrong, and thankfully so; the office vibe is so chill, and no one is snooty. Coming from a large corporate company prior to this where the vibe was totally different, I find the environment at Lawline to be a breath of fresh air.
3) What was your first day like? Was it like you thought it would be?
That’s an interesting question since I feel like I had two first day experiences. When I walked in to do temp work in the accreditation department, my first day was a little overwhelming because I felt like a wine stain on a white table cloth. I didn’t know anything about accreditation, I didn’t know anyone at all and I was taking a while to acclimate to the office vibe. My first day as a Video Production Assistant was certainly different. I have more knowledge in TV/Video production than accreditation so that was comforting. In addition to that, I had already made connections with the team and become comfortable with the office environment.
4) What would you say is your GROW moment?
My GROW moment was when Meredith, the director of accreditation, was on vacation while I was temping. I had been assigned multiple applications to create in various states, a few of which I wasn’t 100% clear on how to create. With that in mind, I went into the accreditation folder in the Google drive and found examples from previous years and got them all done with time to spare before Meredith got back. With the extra time I had, I created a list of all the South Carolina applications we were sending, and what SC applications we could still create. Had I been asked to do this during my first week I would have been confused, and potentially would have messed up a great deal. This was a great moment of reflection for me.
5) Do you have a favorite PLAY occasion?
One of my favorite PLAY occasions was participating in the JP Morgan challenge with Lawline. I was a last minute fill in for Dave, and that being said, I was not prepared at all to do a 5k. That didn’t stop me, though, I walked the 5k in my dress shoes and a Lawline shirt that Meredith was kind enough to give me. I particularly enjoyed this because I had a great time chatting with our Business Operations Assistant, Kathleen, as we strolled through the park.
Welcome to the team, Dan!