Employee Spotlight: Victoria Karatza
Lawline recently had the pleasure of hiring Victoria Karatza to join our Programs department. Here is Victoria's experience on starting with Lawline:
1) How was the interview process for you?
The interview process for me was really thorough. I found the position posted on LinkedIn and decided to apply. I heard back from Lawline extremely quickly, and took a phone interview. After that, I had a follow-up interview where I was tested on my writing and editing skills, which took me into interviewing in person.
Finding out that Lawline was located in the Financial District was exciting for me because attending Pace, which is right down the street from the office, allowed me to become familiar with the area, and I knew exactly where I needed to go for my interview. I had two in-person interviews within the same week, where I spoke with a variety of team members. By the end of the week, just a few days after my second interview, I received the call from Michele, our VP of Business Operations, that Lawline would like to offer me the position, and I gladly accepted.
2) Before stepping foot into the office, what did you imagine Lawline would be like?
I was under the impression that everyone in the office would be a lawyer, which actually made me nervous because I am not one, not even close. In addition to that, I assumed that people would be closed off and quiet while working. I was obviously wrong about all of those things, because although everyone at Lawline is a dedicated worker, we definitely know how to PLAY and work wonderfully as a team. Lawline truly has an open and collaborative work environment.

3) What was your first day like? Was it like you thought it would be?
The majority of my first day consisted of training presentations. I went through my training with Beth, another new hire, which made things more relaxed for me. Although my first day involved learning a lot of new information, I remember being glad that everyone was so welcoming and excited to have me there. I was also happier than I should be okay with admitting that Lawline kicked my first day off with having breakfast ready for me at the office.
4) What would you say is your GROW moment?
One of my favorite GROW moments so far has been attending our 2018 Planning Meeting. Seeing as I have never attended one before, it was a great opportunity for me to learn even more about how the Programs team works, and get a behind the scenes look at all of the different content we would possibly be putting out next year.
5) Do you have a favorite PLAY occasion?
I definitely lucked out during my first week of working at Lawline when it comes to PLAY moments because that Friday happened to be the company’s team building scavenger hunt. Not only did I get to bond with my team members, Kathleen and John, while trekking through Greenwich Village, but I also got to learn a lot of historical facts about the area in which the scavenger hunt took place.
Welcome to the team, Victoria!