The Pets of Lawline
As anyone from Lawline can tell you, we are an animal-loving bunch. Many of us have pets of our own, and the company has two planned volunteer events with Muddy Paws Rescue in the coming weeks. The Business Operations Team, to everyone’s delight, created a photo gallery of cuteness in the kitchen for all to admire while we make our morning coffee. Check out the “Pets of Lawline” (and their stories) below!
Dexter (left), Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, 6; and Mollie (right), Whoodle, 2: “Dexter is high-strung, afraid of sneezes, unfailingly loyal to his mom, and obsessed with ice-cream. Mollie is too smart for her own good, wild with zoomies, and yet incredibly ‘proper’ - it’s the poodle in her!” - Shaun. (PS: You can follow Dexter and his baby sister on Instagram @thedexydog)
Lady (left), Domestic Shorthair Mix, 5; and Bishop (right), Domestic Shorthair Mix, 9: “Lady follows me everywhere to bravely put herself between me and ‘danger’...such as any piece of paper that must be ripped to shreds. Bishop loves to jump into bed and put his little paws on my arm as he meows and purrs sweetly to sleep.” - Ann

Scotty, Patterdale Terrier, 5: “Scotty is the most energetic but lovable dog you will ever meet. His two favorite things to do are playing tug of war with his rope toy and cuddling on the couch with his humans.” - Angelica
Luna, breed unknown, 18 mos: “We found her outside as a kitten and tried to bring her to our local animal shelter. We got all the way there but couldn’t give her up - she’s a snuggle monster!” - Meredith (You can follow Luna on Instagram @lunaisgramming)

Posh, Boxer, 12: “She has epilepsy and was only expected to live to age 7. She enjoys chasing tennis balls, snoring as loudly as possible, and leaving greek yogurt on her nose for later.” - Kathleen

Marni, Pitbull, 5: “She was born deaf and was rescued from a Long Island shelter when she was 2 y/o. She is the sweetest, most loving dog and enjoys any human affection, hogging tennis balls at the dog park, and going on long hikes off leash!” - Rich